2022年5月21日 星期六

Taiwan’s IP Office confirms the bottle of Chanel’s N°5 is well-known

On April 29, 2022, Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) cancelled trademark no. 02091039, finding the bottle icon presented in the contested trademark would cause confusion with bottle of Chanel’s worldwide famous N°5 perfume. 

In its determination, TIPO finds that based on the voluminous evidence of use and marketing materials, not only the N°5 perfume itself, but also the bottle for the popular perfume brand, has achieved the status of well-known trademark. For example, the evening bag featuring the appearance and shape of N°5 bottle introduced by Chanel in 2014 was a huge success, and has remained popular nowadays. Chanel also registered its N°5 bottle as trademarks in Taiwan (Reg. No. 01629318 and 00010123, see below).

On the other hand, the contested trademark, no. 02091039, was filed for application on March 18, 2020, and granted on October 1, 2020. The contested trademark was applied for use in services under class 41, including various kinds of training, counseling, tutoring, and educational services. Chanel filed opposition on December 31, 2020, alleging the registration of the contested trademark violates, among the others, Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Law. 

TIPO opines that the bottle icon presented at the center of the contested trademark is highly similar with Chanel’s famous trademarks. Although there are two overlapping pentagons presented in the contested trademark, such elements are insufficient to create any difference. The bottle icon is still the dominant portion of the contested trademark. Thus, TIPO finds the contested trademark, as a whole, is highly similar with Chanel’s aforesaid well-known trademarks.

While the contested trademark is designated for use in educational service, which is different from the perfume products designated by Chanel’s trademarks, TIPO notes that Chanel’s N°5 products are quite diversified, and that there is evidence showing the registrant of the contested trademark is providing training and educational service related to fragrance and essence. Thus, it is still likely that consumers may be misled into believing that the contested trademark is related to or associated with Chanel’s well-known N°5 perfume brand.

In view of the above, the contested trademark is cancelled by TIPO accordingly.






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