2024年5月25日 星期六

Chanel prevailed in opposition proceeding against trademark “CONSCIOUS GEOMETRY”

On April 30, 2024, Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) found for Chanel in its trademark opposition against “CONSCIOUS GEOMETRY”, concluding that registration of the contested trademark should be canceled in view of likelihood of confusion with Chanel’s well-known “CC Monogram” (Reg. no. 01849081, and 01655651, see below).

The contested trademark, “CONSCIOUS GEOMETRY” (Reg. no. 02260421, see below), was filed by Consciouseed Ltd. (“Consciouseed”) on March 30, 2022, and granted on November 1, 2022, designated for use in class 41, including services like educational services, training services, vocational services, hosting lectures, organizing cultural activities, etc. Chanel filed opposition on February 1, 2023, citing violations of Article 30.1.10 and Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act.

TIPO sided with Chanel in its determination entered on April 30, 2024, finding the registration of the contested trademark violates Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act :

1.      Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act provides that a mark shall not be registered if such a mark is “identical with or similar to another person’s well-known trademark or mark, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on the relevant public or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark or mark”.

2.      Based on the voluminous supporting evidence submitted by Chanel, including market survey in 2015, coverages of prestigious magazines including Vogue and Bazaar throughout 2017 and 2019, TIPO’s findings in prior determinations, and news reports by numerous local medias, TIPO confirms that prior to Consciouseed’s application in 2022, Chanel’s “CC Monogram” has achieved well-known status in the fields of bags, apparel, cosmetics, etc.   

3.      In terms of similarity, TIPO notes that while Consciouseed’s trademark consists of two words “CONSCIOUS GEOMETRY”, the overlapping letters of “C” and “G” in the middle of the contested trademark should constitute the dominant portion. Although the overlapping of “G” and “C” is somewhat different from Chanel’s famous “CC monogram”, they both create similar visual impression formed by two overlapping curves with openings directing at the opposite direction. As such, the difference is minor. The overall visual appearance of the contested trademark is similar with Chanel’s famous monogram.

4.      TIPO also notes that the nature of designated services of Consciouseed’s contested trademark involves education and teaching, which is not identical to the product categories in which Chanel is famous. However, there is strong evidence showing Chanel has diversified its use of the CC monogram, including using the famous icon in activities that teach clothing style and share make-up tips with consumers. In this respect, TIPO considers Consciouseed’s contested trademark is applied for use in services that are related to those in which Chanel’s famous icon is used.

5.      In light of the above, given the well-known status of Chanel’s CC monogram, the similarity between Consciouseed’s contested trademark and Chanel’s famous CC monogram, the facts that Chanel’s “CC monogram” is more known by the consumers and used in diversified products and services, including services that are also educational in nature, TIPO considers there is likelihood of confusion caused by registration of Consciouseed’s contested trademark. As a result, TIPO determines that the registration of “CONSCIOUS GEOMETRY” should be canceled accordingly.




2024年5月19日 星期日

Hermès unsuccessful in its trademark opposition against “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service”

On April 30, 2024, Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) found the trademark “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” not confusingly similar with Hermès’ iconic brand “BIRKIN” (see below), and denied Hermès’ opposition accordingly.

The contested trademark, “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” (Reg. No. 02258305, see below) was filed by Birkin Creativity Marketing Service Co. Ltd. (“BCMS”) on January 7, 2022, and granted on October 16, 2022, designated for use in services under class 35 and 42, including services for trademark design, marketing project, advertising, advertisement design, TV commercials, catalogue design, etc. Hermes filed opposition on January 16, 2023, contending that registration of “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” violates Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act, because “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” is confusingly similar with Hermès’ famous brand “BIRKIN”.

In its determination entered on April 30, 2024, TIPO found that:

1.        Although the contested trademark contains the same word “birkin”, in its entirety, the contested trademark creates different visual impression by combining the Chinese name of BCMS (i.e., “柏金創意整合行銷有限公司”) and other colorful patterns. As such, when seeing the contested trademark, consumers would find it visually and conceptually different from Hermès’ “BIRKIN”. The similarity between the contested trademark and “BIRKIN” is low.

2.        Besides, TIPO noted that “BIRKIN” is mainly used in products like handbag, purse, etc., but the contested trademark is used for services like trademark design and advertising. The designated services of the contested trademark are of different nature and serve for different purposes. TIPO is not convinced that registration of “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” would necessarily damage the reputation or distinctiveness of Hermès’ “BIRKIN”.

3.        TIPO agrees that Hermes’ “BIRKIN” is well-known and highly distinctive in the field of handbag. However, given the facts that “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” is not similar with “BIRKIN”, that it is used for services that are of different nature and function, and that both “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” and “BIRKIN” are distinctive, TIPO concludes that there should be no confusion caused by the registration of BCMS’s “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service”.

Therefore, Hermès’ opposition against “Birkin Creativity Marketing Service” was rejected accordingly.

Source: https://cloud.tipo.gov.tw/S282/OS0/OS0401_SCN3.jsp?issueNo=XpJ13RyT4WTIrcENtSEhNYlRweE5GQzE5Ykdqdz09&l6=zh_TW&isReadBulletinen_US=&isReadBulletinzh_TW=true

2024年5月12日 星期日

Appeals and Petitions Committee affirmed Valve’s win in its trademark opposition against “&TEAM”

On April 12, 2024, the Appeals and Petitions Committee of Ministry of Economic Affairs (“Committee”) affirmed the finding made by Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) in the trademark opposition between “STEAM” and “&TEAM”, concluding that registration of “&TEAM” for use in certain categories of the services under class 41 should be canceled due to likelihood of confusion with Valve’s “STEAM” trademarks (Reg. No. 01644559 and 02207353, see below).

The contested trademark, “&TEAM” (Reg. No. 02163446, see below), was filed by HYBE LABELS JAPAN INC. (“HYBE”) on December 24, 2020, and granted on August 16, 2021, designated for use in services under class 41, including, among the others, services for online non-downloadable game services, dance school education, photography, organizing competitions, organizing cultural, educational or educational magazine exhibitions, organizing educational competitions, organizing entertainment, sports and cultural activities, provides online game services for entertainment and education and learning (by computer network), provides online game services (by computer network), recording product production, etc.

Valve filed opposition on October 29, 2021, alleging violation of Article 30.1.10 and 30.1.11 of Trademark Act. TIPO entered its determination on October 27, 2023, siding with Valve, and finding “&TEAM” should be canceled according to Article 30.1.10 of Trademark Act. HYBE then appealed TIPO’s determination to the Committee.

The Committee affirmed TIPO’s determination based on the following reasons:

1.      Article 30.1.10 of Trademark Act provides that a mark shall not be registered if such a mark is: 1) identical with or similar to another person’s registered trademark or earlier filed trademark; and 2) to be applied for goods or services identical with or similar to those for which the registered trademark is protected or the earlier filed trademark is designated; and 3) hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on relevant consumers.

2.      HYBE contended that the difference of initial letters between “&TEAM” and “STEAM” renders the two trademarks different from each other. The Committee disagreed. The difference created by the “&” of “&TEAM” is too minor and thus is insufficient to make HYBE’s “&TEAM” distinguishable from Valve’s “STEAM”.

3.      As to the designated use of product and service, the Committee found Valve’s “STEAM” trademarks are used in products and services under class 9 and 41, including gaming software, downloadable gaming software, online gaming and entertainment service, and gaming and entertainment service provided via wireless connection, organizing cultural or sports activities, etc. These services, the Committee opined, are related to the services designated by HYBE’s “&TEAM”, because both related to products or services pertaining to computer software, entertainment, education, and activities organization.

4.      While the Committee agreed that both HYBE’s “&TEAM” and Valve’s “STEAM” are distinctive, there is no record to support a finding that consumers are highly familiar with “&TEAM” and could distinguish HYBE’s “&TEAM” from Valve’s “STEAM”. Rather, the evidence of trademark use submitted by Valve shows that consumers are more familiar with Valve’s “STEAM” than HYBE’s “&TEAM”.

In view of the above, considering the similarity between HYBE’s “&TEAM” and Valve’s “STEAM”, the fact that both HYBE’s “&TEAM” and Valve’s “STEAM” are used in services related to computer game and entertainment activities, and consumers’ familiarity toward Valve’s “STEAM”, the Committee opines registration of HYBE’s “&TEAM” is likely to cause confusion with Valve’s “STEAM” among the relevant consumers. Therefore, TIPO’s finding of violation of Article 30.1.10 is affirmed accordingly.



Committee’s determination: https://cloud.tipo.gov.tw/S282/SS0/SS0201_SCN3.jsp?approNo=G01100608&docDate=113/04/15&type=1&l6=zh_TW&isReadBulletinen_US=&isReadBulletinzh_TW=true

TIPO’s determination: https://cloud.tipo.gov.tw/S282/OS0/OS0401_SCN3.jsp?issueNo=XpJ13RyT4RUZQV0hTbkpRdit6cHpFcWVTU1YwQT09&l6=zh_TW&isReadBulletinen_US=&isReadBulletinzh_TW=true

2024年5月8日 星期三

Booking and Agoda fined by Taiwan’s Fair Trade Commission for misusing paid search advertising

On April 29, 2024, Taiwan’s Fair Trade Commission (“FTC”) fined Booking.com and Agoda each NT$ 1,000,000 for their anti-competitive use of paid search advertising.

According to Article 25 of Fair Trade Act, no enterprise shall otherwise have any deceptive or obviously unfair conduct that is able to affect trading order. Based on FTC’s guideline, enterprise using other business’s trade name as internet search keyword to promote and increase the traffic of said enterprise’s website would constitute an “obviously unfair conduct” that may be subject to FTC’s administrative fine and injunctive order.

Per FTC’s records, Booking.com (between 2018.7 and 2022.12 ) and Agoda (between 2021.11 and 2022.12) engaged internet search service providers like Google and utilized its per-paid-click advertising function. Upon further investigation, FTC found Booking.com and Agoda both purchased “四方 通行”, the trade name of local travel agent Easytravel, as search keyword. Therefore, when consumers key in Easytravel’s trade name “四方通行” in Google’s search bar, advertisings of Booking.com and Agoda would appear at the top of the search result in parallel with the link leading to Easytravel’s own website. By utilizing such service, FTC opines Booking.com and Agoda may intercept consumers’ inquiries that could have been led to Eazytravel’s website, and harm Eazytravel’s potential business opportunities.

Thus, FTC concludes that Booking.com and Agoda have violated Article 25 of Fair Trade Act, and fines the two online booking service providers NT$ 1,000,000 each.


FTC’s ruling on Booking.com: https://www.ftc.gov.tw/uploadDecision/e99f45fe-5bee-4772-9384-b3acbcc99c7f.pdf

FTC’s ruling on Agoda: https://www.ftc.gov.tw/uploadDecision/37abb11e-a552-4ce1-9502-034058e53ac3.pdf

2024年5月5日 星期日

PILI’s trademark opposition based on the name of its iconic character “一頁書” falls short

When speaking of Taiwan’s glove puppet show (also known as “Bu-dai-xi”), what most Taiwanese would come to mind would be Pili Puppetry (“PILI”), the leading puppetry show in Taiwan. Throughout the past 30 years, PILI has created more than 80 series and introduced more than 4000 hero characters to fans all around the world, including the recent release on Netflix, PILI Fantasy, War of Dragons. Among the heroes, “一頁書” (transliteration: “Yi-Yeh-Shu”), is the most iconic and famous one (https://www.pili.com.tw/role-view/shu/). PILI also filed and acquired trademark registrations for such popular character, including no. 00977544 and no. 00162316 (see below).


On December 22, 2022, PILI filed opposition against trademark no. 02262794 (see below). The contested trademark was filed on January 13, 2022, and granted on November 16, 2022, designated for use in services under class 35, including advertising, marketing, auctioning, telephone marketing, SEO service, retail service for apparel accessories, etc.

PILI cited Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act, and contended that the name of its character “一頁書” has become a well-known trademark, and the registration of the contested trademark would cause confusion. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) disagreed.

On April 10, 2024, TIPO found against PILI, reasoning that:

1.      Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act provides that a mark shall not be registered if such a mark is “identical with or similar to another person’s well-known trademark or mark, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on the relevant public or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark or mark”. Thus, to be applicable, PILI must first prove its “一頁書” is a well-known trademark.

2.      While there are significant amount of records and documents featuring PILI’s character “一頁書”, TIPO find most of them insufficient to support PILI’s contention that its “一頁書” has become a well-known trademark. The documents submitted by PILI are either not dated, or merely news reports or video clips covering the character itself. Without evidence of continuous and consistent use of “一頁書” as a trademark, TIPO does not consider “一頁書” has become a well-known trademark.

3.      Because PILI’s evidence could not show “一頁書” is a well-known trademark, TIPO finds Article 30.1.11 not applicable, even though the contested trademark is identical to the name of PILI’s popular character.

In view of the above, TIPO denies PILI’s opposition based on Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act. The fact that “一頁書” is the name of a famous character does not necessarily mean it is well-known as a trademark.  





German liqueur brand Mast-Jägermeister won the battle of the deers

On January 21, 2025, Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) ruled in the favor of  Mast-Jägermeister  SE (“ Mast-Jägermeister ”), canceling a contested...