2020年1月30日 星期四

未經Kobe Bryant同意,任何人不得將「Black Mamba」作為商標申請註冊





系爭商標雖係由呈攻擊狀之抽象蛇設計圖案與略有設計之外文「Black Mamba」所組成,惟該抽象蛇設計圖案融合於外文「Black Mamba」中,整體予人寓目印象,仍未脫離文字印象之外文「Black Mamba」。

又依美商柯比公司提供的資料可知,效力美國職業籃球聯賽(NBA)洛杉磯湖人隊的知名球星「Kobe Bryant」,因在球場上具攻擊性、移動速度快及靈敏之表現特質,恰似非洲移動速度最快之「Black Mamba」毒蛇,故自996月起,「Kobe Bryant」官方臉書或各大媒體,在報導、介紹、討論其球場表現、退休或球衣相關商品時,即以「Black Mamba」、「黑曼巴」指稱「Kobe Bryant 作為其外號、別名、藝名,而足已引起國內消費者(觀眾)之高度注意,國內相關消費者見標示有「Black Mamba」字樣之商品亦會認為與「Kobe Bryant」有關,堪認系爭商標於105421日申請時,「Black Mamba」已為表演運動技藝為職業之藝人「Kobe Bryant」於其從事表演性籃球比賽時所被稱呼之藝名,且「Black Mamba」客觀上亦僅指向「Kobe Bryant1人,國內相關消費者可直接聯想與「Kobe Bryant」有關,並已達國內著名程度。因此,任何人未得Kobe Bryant同意前,不得將「Black Mamba」作為商標申請註冊。

林沅滸雖稱車迷常以「Black Mamba」作為其暱稱或藝名,系爭商標係發想於自己的藝名,然其所提出所謂暱稱資料僅係一紙網路社群資料,別無其他相關報導或易為人知之宣傳資料,以此尚難證明於系爭商標註冊時,「Black Mamba」必然係指向林沅滸,故其主張不足可採。


2020年1月25日 星期六

MANGO Beats Mr. MANGO in Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Office

Fashion giant Consolidated Artists B.V. (“Consolidated Artists”), the owner of the registered “MANGO” trademark in Taiwan, successfully cancelled “Mr. MANGO” in the opposition proceeding of Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Office (“IPO”).
According to Consolidated Artists, the opposing trademark “MANGO” has acquired registration in numerous countries since as early as 1974. Currently, there are more than 2,200 MANGO stores across 110 countries, and the brand and business reach five continents around the globe. In Taiwan, the first flagship store featuring the MANGO trademark was established back in 1997, and for now Consolidated Artists’ local store network has grown significantly, with 20 stores covering the entire area. Moreover, the opposing trademark “MANGO” has been recognized as famous mark by Taiwan’s IPO.

                     (The opposing trademark (TW Reg. No. 683050) (exemplified))

The opposed trademark, namely, “Mr. MANGO” (as shown below), was filed by a Mr. Zeng in June 19, 2018, and registered on February 16, 2019, designated to goods including scarf, necktie, and hats. Consolidated Artists filed opposition on May 10, 2019, citing violation of Article 30.1.10, 30.1.11, and 30.1.12 of Trademark Law. The IPO found the opposed trademark should be cancelled based on Article 30.1.11.

                       (Opposed Trademark Reg. No. 01970824)

Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Law reads: “A trademark shall not be registered in any of the following:……being identical with or similar to another person’s well-known trademark or mark, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on the relevant public or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark or mark”.
The IPO found the opposed mark subject to Article 30.1.11 pursuant to the following reasons:

First of all, the opposing trademark “MANGO” is a well-known trademark, which has been filed for registration in Taiwan since as early as 1994 (e.g., Reg. No. 683050), designated for goods such as clothing, perfume, glasses, jewels, and purses (e.g., Reg. No. 683050, 814574, 1040217, 1047182, and 1292623). There is sufficient evidence showing the opposing trademark has gained the status of famous mark prior to the application date of the opposed trademark.

As to similarity, IPO determined that while the opposed trademark consists of “Mr. MANGO” and “芒果先生”, the word “MANGO” would still be the main portion that catches the attention of ordinary consumer, because both ”Mr.” and “先生” are words used to refer to male. In other words, the most distinctive portions of the opposed trademark and the opposing trademark are both “MANGO,” which may cause ordinary consumers to misunderstand that the goods featuring the opposed trademark comes from the opposing trademark. Hence, the opposed trademark is similar with the opposing trademark.

Moreover, the opposing trademark is distinctive as an arbitrary mark by using the word “mango” (with ordinary meaning of mango tree or its fruit) in apparel and accessories products. Through its continuous and worldwide use, the opposing trademark is well-known and highly recognized among the relevant consumers in the relevant markets. In contrast, there is no supporting document submitted by Mr. Zeng demonstrating the actual use of the opposed trademark. Therefore, IPO found the opposing trademark is more popular and famous than the opposed trademark.

In view of the above, the IPO ruled that the opposed trademark “Mr. MANGO” should be cancelled based on Article 30.1.11 of Taiwan’s Trademark Law.

Source: https://twtmsearch.tipo.gov.tw/OS0/OS0401_SCN3.jsp?issueNo=XpJ13RyT4M2pLSVdNL1dKMVUwanBUR3FwQ2FoZz09&l6=zh_TW&isReadBulletinen_US=&isReadBulletinzh_TW=true

2020年1月19日 星期日


原告洛瑪斯坦有限公司為經營印度料理餐廳之業者,於2016629日以系爭商標(如下),指定使用於「餐廳;小吃攤」服務,向被告智慧財產局(下稱智慧局)申請註冊。經智慧局核准列為註冊第1825209號商標。其後,參加人美商布林克國際公司(Brinker International,Inc.,下稱美商布林克)認為系爭商標與其註冊第00047012號商標、第00193699號商標(下合稱據爭商標,如下所示)提出異議,主張系爭商標違反商標法第30條第1項第10款、第11款及第12款規定,智慧局審查後,認為系爭商標確有違反第30條第1項第10款規定,於20181228日做出系爭商標應予撤銷之處分。原告訴願遭駁回後,續於智慧財產法院提出訴訟。

註冊號: 1825209

註冊號: 00047012


    註冊號: 00193699


在商標識別性方面,法院認為據爭商標之外文「chili's」雖有辣椒之意,又與指定使用之餐飲服務提供之商品有所相關,但該字並非直接說明所提供服務之品質或相關特性,且字體有經過特殊設計,於「 ' 」符號位置設計為小辣椒圖形,整體予人印象鮮明,故具有相當識別性,亦即消費者看到「chili's」時,會認為是表彰餐飲服務的來源(源自美商布林克),而不是單純理解成「辣椒」。

在近似的判斷上,法院認定系爭商標由尾端捲曲以紅色設色及蒂頭以綠色設色之辣椒圖形與紅色字體大寫字母外文「CHILLIES」上下排列所構成,而據爭商標則由稍經設計之小寫字母外文「chili's」及「s」字母左上方搭配一小辣椒圖形所構成,經設計之外文仍可辨識出「chili's 」之設計字體,兩商標相較,二者外文「CHILLIES」與「chili's 」均係「辣椒」或使人聯想「辣椒」之意涵,僅大小寫及「L」有無重複之些微不同,外觀相彷彿,且觀念及讀音均極相彷彿,應屬構成近似之商標,且近似之程度高。

原告又主張,系爭商標之圖形部分是出自原告獨特之創作理念,由獨特象圖與辣椒圖融合組成,其外觀與單純之辣椒植物已有不同,文字部分「CHILLIES」則是原告以中文「淇里思」為發想,自創之音譯名稱,並搭配原告獨創之圖形,系爭商標圖樣整體具有強烈識別性,而據爭商標僅單純為英文單字「chili」(辣椒)之設計字,並以小辣椒圖案代表「 ' 」,此設計使據爭商標整體未脫離英文單字「chili」之型態(即「辣椒的」),且其中之小辣椒圖案極為細小、不明顯,消費者不容易察覺到據以異議商標之設計,兩商標整體外觀予人之寓目印象截然不同,不構成近似云云。惟法院認為,系爭商標之圖形雖含有象臉設計之意涵,然消費者觀看時,所獲得之直接印象仍為一紅辣椒圖形,與外文「CHILLIES」觀念相通,系爭商標與據爭商標之外觀、觀念均與「辣椒」有關,讀音亦相近,故構成高度近似之商標,原告之主張,不足採信。



在消費者熟悉的程度比較上,法院從美商布林克所提供的證物觀察,發現據爭商標確實在2002年開始使用於餐飲服務,於系爭商標註冊日(20172 16日)前,已有使用多年之事實;反觀系爭商標並未提出在註冊日前有大量使用的證據來說服法院,佐證系爭商標在註冊時也已廣為消費者熟知,故法院認為消費者確實較熟悉據爭商標,而應賦予較大保護。



2020年1月13日 星期一

There Is Only One Black Mamba, and We All Know He Plays Basketball

Mr. Yuan-Hu Lin (Mr. Lin), a successful rally car racer of Taiwan, was ruled unable to register “Black Mamba” as trademark because “Black Mamba” is the stage name of Kobe Bryant, the worldwide famous LA Laker’s former shooting guard.

On April 21, 2016, Mr. Lin filed trademark application for “Black mamba” (hereafter “disputed mark”, as shown below), designated for goods under class 25, including outfits such as sports clothing, T-shirt, scooter clothing, racing apparel, athletic apparel, etc. The disputed mark was registered and published on November 16, 2016 (Reg. No. 01804197), and was subsequently opposed by Kobe Inc. (“KOBE”) on February 15, 2017, alleging violation of, among the others, Article 30.1.13 of Taiwan’s Trademark Law. Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Office sided with KOBE. Mr. Lin appealed, and the IP Court affirms.  

Article 30.1.13 of Taiwan’s Trademark Law provides that: “A trademark shall not be registered in any of the following: …containing another person’s portrait or well-known name, stage name, pseudonym, or alternative name, unless the said person consents to the application”.

The IP Court found that although the disputed mark was stylized and presented the image of an attacking black mamba (i.e., the snake), the overall appearance and impression of the disputed mark may still be viewed and perceived as the word “black mamba”. The IP Court further noted that stage names do not necessarily refer to the names used by movie or TV celebrities only. Professional athletes, who also provide highly entertaining experiences through performances in competing sports events, may also be viewed as celebrities and thus may use stage names.

Since as early as 2010, according to KOBE, the term “black mamba” has been widely used, both in Taiwan and foreign countries, to describe the future Hall of Famer Kobe Bryant and his aggressive style of playing basketball. The IP Court found KOBE’s above statements persuasive in view of the voluminous supporting materials, including news report, social media discussion, and the associated merchandise. As such, the IP Court ruled that “Black Mamba” has been a famous stage name referred to the former LA Laker’s superstar, and is eligible for protection as moral right. Hence, no one should be able to register a trademark containing such name without Kobe Bryant’s consent.  

Mr. Lin tried to justify the disputed mark by arguing that the registration of the disputed mark was actually based on his nickname “black mamba”; and that his fan base is totally different from that of Kobe Bryant, so that the registration is out of good faith without intent to create confusion. However, the IP Court found the arguments unpersuasive, because the evidence submitted by Mr. Lin is only fan discussions limited on specific social media platform, without wide news coverage or reputable reports as presented by KOBE. Such evidence is insufficient to prove that at the time of the registration of the disputed mark, the word “black mamba” is directed to Mr. Lin and perceived as his nickname in the relevant consumers.

Based on the forgoing reasons, the IP Court affirms Intellectual Property Office’s decision in cancelling Mr. Lin’s disputed mark. We will see whether there will be appeal challenging IP Court’s judgment.

Source: 智慧財產法院108年度行商訴字第78 https://law.judicial.gov.tw/FJUD/data.aspx?ty=JD&id=IPCA,108%2c%e8%a1%8c%e5%95%86%e8%a8%b4%2c78%2c20200108%2c2

2020年1月5日 星期日

Watch Out — A Leaf May Be Enough For Taiwan’s IPO To Find Similarity With APPLE’s Trademark

Opposing Trademark (Reg. No. 01620273)

Opposed Mark (Reg. No. 01945859)

AppleCareStation (“蘋果保衛站”) is a local business providing backup support, maintenance, and repair service for the well-known iPhone, iPAD, MAC, and relevant 3C products. AppleCareStation filed application for the opposed mark for service designated under Class 35 on March 29, 2018, and later obtained approval of Taiwan’s Intellectual Property Office (“IPO”) for the registration of its opposed mark (Reg. No. 01945859) on October 16, 2018.

APPLE Inc. (“APPLE”) filed opposition against the opposed mark on January 15, 2019, alleging, among the others, violations of Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act, which reads: “A trademark shall not be registered in any of the following:….(11) being identical with or similar to another person’s well-known trademark or mark, and hence there exists a likelihood of confusion on the relevant public or a likelihood of dilution of the distinctiveness or reputation of the said well-known trademark or mark, unless the proprietor of the said well-known trademark or mark consents to the application.”

On December 19, 2019, IPO sided with APPLE, ruling that the opposed mark is similar with APPLE’s famous trademark “APPLE LOGO” (i.e., the opposing trademark), which may cause confusion among the relevant consumers.

Based on voluminous evidence submitted by APPLE, including decision of Taiwan’s IP Court, IPO’s prior decisions, news report, and commercial success, IPO first found that the opposing trademark has reached the status of a well-known trademark.

With regard to issue of similarity, IPO found that although the main feature of APPLE’s opposing trademark (an apple) is different from that of the opposed mark (a personified smartphone), both marks feature a leaf extending in an upper-right direction. Thus, while the opposed mark is not highly similar with the opposing trademark, ordinary consumers may still find both marks similar with each other.     

The IPO also found APPLE’s opposing trademark demonstrates stronger distinctiveness and enjoys higher familiarity than AppleCareStation’s opposed mark. In addition, APPLE’s business is diversified. For example, the opposing trademark is also designated for service under Class 35, including relevant services for accessories of computer, software, enterprise advertising, marketing consultation, etc. Moreover, IPO noted that it may be AppleCareStation’s intent to, by using its opposed mark, cause the relevant consumers to associate the opposed mark with APPLE’s famous trademark and products. In other words, AppleCareStation’s application does not seem to be made based on good faith. 

In view of the forgoing reasons, the IPO found for APPLE, concluding that AppleCareStation’s opposed mark should be cancelled due to violation of Article 30.1.11 of Trademark Act. It remains to be seen if AppleCareStation will appeal to contest the IPO’s decision.



據爭商標 (註冊號:01620273)

系爭商標 (註冊號:01945859)



1.      在商標著名性方面,智慧局根據蘋果公司檢送的資料,包含1991年至1997年商品型錄、行銷目錄及年報、網站資料、「APPLE」(蘋果電腦)之報導資料、智慧局過去異議案之審定書、智慧財產法院98年度行商訴字第243號行政判決、Interbrand全球最佳品牌 (Best Global Brands)排行榜、美國商業週刊評選20042007 年全球100 大品牌列表與蘋果公司品牌價值資料、「The World's Greatest Brands」、2018BrandZ全球最具價值品牌100強第2名、2018財富世界500強第11名及世界各國註冊資料,認為蘋果公司所註冊包含據爭商標在內的諸多「蘋果」、「APPLE」及「APPLE LOGO」商標,因為品牌排名及價值一直名列前茅,智慧型手機「iPhone」系列更廣受消費者所喜愛,所表彰之商譽於本件系爭註冊第01945859號「蘋果保衛站企業社標章」商標申請註冊前已廣為相關事業及一般消費者所熟知,而達著名之程度,且著名性極高。

2.      在系爭商標與據爭商標是否近似方面,智慧局則認為系爭商標係由擬人化手機圖案上方置一葉片、左右各結合扳手、榔頭圖形,並於右下搭配一盾牌十字圖所組成;而蘋果公司之據爭商標,則由具有與果身分離向右上延伸葉片之蘋果設計圖所構成。二者相較,雖前者以擬人化手機、後者以蘋果圖形為主要構圖而有不同,然前者之葉片與手機圖形之結合設計並非常見事物之組合,其葉片於整體圖形仍具有識別功能非僅為裝飾,而二者圖形上部均有分離向右上延伸之葉片,於外觀上仍有相仿之處,是就兩造商標整體圖樣,以具有普通知識經驗之消費者,於購買時施以普通之注意,可能會誤認二者來自同一來源或雖不相同但有關聯之來源,應屬構成近似之商標,僅近似程度不高。

3.      在其他判斷混淆誤認之因素上,智慧局認為蘋果公司的據爭商標所呈現的圖形與所指定使用的商品或服務沒有關聯,具高度識別性,且經過長年的成功行銷,消費者較為熟悉,稍有攀附即容易引起誤認;此外,蘋果公司業務有多角化經營,其據爭商標也有指定使用於和系爭商標相同的第35類服務;再加上系爭商標搭配中文「蘋果保衛站」使用,而「APPLE LOGO」又為蘋果公司之著名商標,蘋果保衛站企業社之使用加深其系爭商標與蘋果公司據爭商標之聯想,且隱喻希望消費者將蘋果保衛站企業社提供之服務與特定商品/服務來源彼此連結,以達行銷目的,故智慧局認系爭商標之註冊申請並非出於善意。




German liqueur brand Mast-Jägermeister won the battle of the deers

On January 21, 2025, Taiwan’s IP Office (“TIPO”) ruled in the favor of  Mast-Jägermeister  SE (“ Mast-Jägermeister ”), canceling a contested...